Download the "Poke Gym Friend Search" on Google Play
Poke Gym Friend Search screenshot  Menu screen.
 (1)Language selection dropdown.
 (2)Entry button.
 (3)Search button.
 Press the You can choose your language from the [(1)Language selection dropdown].
 Press the [(2)Entry button] to proceed to the entry screen.
 Press the [(3)Search button] to proceed to the search screen.
 If you have not completed your entry, you will not be able to search even if you press [(3)Search button].
Poke Gym Friend Search screenshot  Entry screen.
 (1)Trainer code input field.
 (2)Team Yellow Instinct button.
 (3)Team Blue Mystic button.
 (4)Team Red Valor button.
 (5)Team undisclosed button.
 Please enter your Trainer code in the [(1)Trainer code input field].
 Please choose the team you belong to from [(2)Team Yellow Instinct button], [(3)Team Blue Mystic button], [(4)Team Red Valor button].
 If you do not want to make the team you belong to public, please select [(5)Team undisclosed button].
Poke Gym Friend Search screenshot  Entry screen.
 (1)Raid button.
 (2)Gym attack button.
 (3)Gym guard button.
 (4)PvP button.
 (5)Trade button.
 (6)Lucky Friends button.
 (7)etc button.
 Please select the purpose for which you are recruiting friends from the buttons.
 It is also possible to select multiple.
Poke Gym Friend Search screenshot  Entry screen.
 (1)Google Map button.
 (2)URL or latitude,longitude input field.
 (3)Latitude input field.
 (4)Longitude input field.
 (5)Back button.
 (6)Entry button.
 Please enter the Latitude coordinates of your favorite gym in the [(3)Latitude input field].
 Please enter the longitude coordinates of your favorite gym in the [(4)Longitude input field].
 If you do not know the latitude and longitude coordinates of your favorite gym, you can enter them from Google Maps.
 Press the [(1)Google Map button] to open Google Maps.
 Place a pin on your favorite gym location on Google Maps.
 Paste the Google Maps URL with the pin placed in [(2)URL or latitude,longitude input field].
 If there is no problem with the URL pasted in [(2)URL or latitude,longitude input field], the latitude and longitude coordinates will be automatically entered in [(3)Latitude input field] and [(4)Longitude input field].
 It is also possible to paste the latitude and longitude coordinate information obtained from the Google Maps pin into the [(2)URL or latitude,longitude input field].
 If you press the [(5)Back button], you will return to the menu screen without registering the information entered on the screen.
 When you press the [(6)Entry button], the information entered on the screen will be registered.
Poke Gym Friend Search screenshot  Search screen.
 (1)Clipboard copy button.
 (2)Trainer code.
 (4)Purpose icons.
 (5)Back button.
 Information will be displayed in order of distance between the favorite gym you have registered and the favorite gyms registered by other users.
 Press the [(1)Clipboard copy button] to copy the [(2)Trainer code] to your clipboard.
 [(3)Distance] displays the distance in kilometers between your favorite gym and other users' favorite gyms.
 [(4)Purpose icons] registered by the other party will be displayed in a dark color.
 Press the [(5)Back button] to return to the menu screen.
Release notes
 2023/10/13 v1.0.0 release
Download the "Poke Gym Friend Search" on Google Play
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