Download the Kanji Tattoo on Google Play
Kanji Tattoo screenshot  Screen after Kanji Tattoo application startup.
Kanji Tattoo screenshot  Description of each part.
 (1)Input form for keywords to be searched.
 (2)Button to execute search.
 (3)Dropbox for selecting Kanji characters to be displayed.
 (4)Button to register favorites.
 (5)Area for displaying Kanji characters.
 (6)Dropbox for selecting the font to be applied.
 (7)Checkbox to show or hide background image.
 (8)Button to change background image randomly.
 (9)Area for displaying English.
Kanji Tattoo screenshot  Enter the keywords you wish to search for in the (1)Input form for keywords to be searched.
 Press the (2)Button to execute search.

 All the entries are listed when the (1)Input form for keywords to be searched is blank and the (2)Button to execute search is pressed.
Kanji Tattoo screenshot  Select the Kanji characters you want to display on the screen from those listed in the (3)Dropbox for selecting Kanji characters to be displayed.
Kanji Tattoo screenshot  Kanji characters selected in the (3)Dropbox for selecting Kanji characters to be displayed are displayed in the (5)Area for displaying Kanji characters.
 The nuance of the kanji selected in the (3)Dropbox for selecting Kanji characters to be displayed is displayed in the (9)Area for displaying English.

 Nuances shown in the (9)Area for displaying English may be incorrect.
 Please look up the correct nuance on the internet.
Kanji Tattoo screenshot  When you find a kanji you like, press the (4)Button to register favorites.
Kanji Tattoo screenshot  Kanji characters registered as favorites are displayed in red in the (3)Dropbox for selecting Kanji characters to be displayed list.
Kanji Tattoo screenshot  Press the (6)Dropbox for selecting the font to be applied to select a font for the (5)Area for displaying Kanji characters.
Kanji Tattoo screenshot  The font selected in the (6)Dropbox for selecting the font to be applied is applied to the Kanji characters in the (5)Area for displaying Kanji characters.
Kanji Tattoo screenshot  Press the (7)Checkbox to show or hide background image toggles between showing and hiding the background image in the (5)Area for displaying Kanji characters.
Kanji Tattoo screenshot  Pressing the (8)Button to change background image randomly switches the background pattern and color of the (5)Area for displaying Kanji characters.
Release notes
2022/10/25 v1.0.0 release
Download the Kanji Tattoo on Google Play
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